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Designing effective Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Multiple choice questions (MCQs) are also known as objective response questions which better describes their nature as a form of assessment. They allow a tutor to assess student learning in an instantaneous way, that is beneficial in a formative context for the student and a summative context for the tutor. Staff are attracted to MCQs as a form of assessment, especially for large cohorts, because the development of digital marking reduces the marking burden on staff, but also once designed and created are one of the most effective ways of giving regular formative feedback to students and evidencing learning. Research has shown that correcting student misconceptions immediately after administering an MCQ promotes deep learning. There are pitfalls, however, in designing fair, inclusive MCQs, not least the dangers of ambiguity and subjectivity. This session encourages reflection on MCQ design and discussion on how to improve the effectiveness of this form of assessment.

Aimed at

All staff

Aims & Objectives


No dates available

There are no dates currently scheduled for this workshop.